Table of Contents

(Alphabetical. Click red text for more.)

100% of my problems are temporary.

A feeling is like the ringing of a bell.

A rock lives in heaven.

A truly open mind cannot suffer.

A want is a conversation starter with the universe

A want is not a need.

Accept the universe’s gifts. Just do it.

Acceptance only comes from one place.

The Accuser

All fear is confusion.

All feelings fade…if I let them.

All human leadership is the blind leading the blind.

All I’m doing when I interact with another person is giving myself something to love.

All love is reflected.

All of life is stories.

All outward warring is an expression of internal war.

All stress is imagined.

All suffering is confusion.

All that’s needed for happiness is love for oneself.

An apology is not an admission that I am a terrible person.

An honest “no” is an act of love.

An identity that is stressful is a false identity.

Any interpretation of someone’s behavior that lacks generosity is untrue.

Any thought that brings peace is true.

Anything I do to protect my future attacks my past and destroys my present.

Anything I think and believe will be confirmed by experience.

Anytime I see an enemy, it’s because I am holding a distorted view of reality.

Anytime I try to make anyone feel ANY WAY, I am failing them…and me.

Anytime I’m bothered by something it’s because I’m wrong about it.

As long as I believe I need something, the world will appear to oppose it.

“Ask and it shall be given,” interpreted

At home in my true nature

Attempts to control always end in suffering.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Beatitudes Interpretation

Being Proud v. Being Grateful

Being out there MEANS getting it wrong in the eyes of others.

Believing bullshit: The source of all suffering.

Beware of fighting for good.

“[Blank] is my creation. How am I doing?”


The brain writes realistic fiction.

Cause and Effect

“Cast not pearls before swine” means…

Certainty is the biggest confusion of all.

“Change” as a goal, is counterproductive.

Clear mind, kind world.

Control brings as much of what I DON’T want as what I do.

Death is guaranteed. Living is not.

Desire for something is confusion that it isn’t already mine.

Discomfort never lasts.

“Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing” means…

“Do unto others” has an order of operations.

Don’t be anti.

Don’t be good. Be whole.

Don’t manipulate the feelings of others.

Don’t will away suffering.


Ego is always trying to help.

“Eternal life” is real life.

“Every attack is an expression of a perceived unmet need.”

Every place is the same place.

Every thought is both true and false.

Everyone is an angel who has come to show me how to love.

Everyone’s job is to return me to sanity.

Everything hangs around until I meet it with love.

Everything I’m trying to earn comes from me.

Everything is a gift.

Everything is effortless.

Everything is light enough to carry when I carry it in love.

Everything is (x) and not (x).

Everything that bothers me is a gift.

Everything that happens is a gift.

Everything stays until it is loved.

Failure is an opinion.

Fear is blind and deaf.

Fear is always trying to save me from nothing.

Feeling sad or empty or like I’m falling apart is not a sign of weakness

Feelings are nothing to worry about.

Feelings come to be felt.

First be okay in the world, then fix it.

First know people, then fix things.

Four Basic Confusions about love.

Freedom/Dependence Paradox

Generosity comes first.

God is here. Now. Don’t miss it.

God is not a person.

God is not supernatural.

Goodness gives birth to badness.

Happiness does not come from things or people or situations.

Happiness is now or never.

Has anyone ever failed me?

Hate needs love.

Heaven and Hell are both available to me, always.

Hell is not a PLACE to which we are banished.

Heaven isn’t something to achieve, it’s something to notice.

Hell is the illusion of separation.

Hell will always be there for me whenever I want it.

History and memory are equally unreliable.

How cute: I think something happened.

How do I feel about it - ME?

How to help without causing pain.

I am a fleeting eddy.

I am always doing my best.

I am always in perfect health. AND…I will die someday.

I am as free as I believe I am

I am free if I believe myself to be.

I am free when I free others.

I am never the same person.

I am nothing but a moment of flowing universe.

I am the only one who either loves me or doesn’t love me.

I am the source of my anger. I am the source of my joy.

I am what I consume.

I am willing to be feared, hated, persecuted or ridiculed for meeting the world with love. 

I am worthy of love (and it’s my job to do it).

I can accept any past “me.”

I can always afford to love.

I can never lose anything I don’t part with in my MIND.

I can’t GET happiness, I can only BE it.

I cannot change a closed mind.

I cannot deepen a relationship by controlling things.

I cannot ease anyone’s suffering but my own.

I cannot fix my suffering by going to war with others.

I cannot get good by stamping out bad.

I cannot help the world

I cannot know a person by their actions.

I cannot MAKE people better.

I cannot RECEIVE connection.

“I didn’t change my life.”

I do not need comfort. I don’t need anything I don’t have.

I do not need common ground.

I do not need other people’s goals to align with mine.

I do not need people to be peaceful to be at peace with them.

I do not need to be liked or understood.

I do not need to clear up anyone else’s story.

I don’t have any power to help.

I don’t know what anyone else should or shouldn’t do.

I don’t need hell to be a good person.

I don’t suffer because things are hard, things are hard because I’m suffering.

“I don’t try to change the world.”

I embrace you. I am your brother.

I’ve never needed to know what’s coming.

I have never met an asshole.

I have no answers for you.

I have no right to judge anyone’s behavior.

I make life difficult for people - Is it true?

I notice that I find what I look for.

I trust fire to burn.

I share my experience, not my knowledge.

I should only ever do what makes me happy.

I will continue suffering until I’m ready to give up the idea that my suffering helps.

I will never find the truth of what I am by looking at myself from the outside.

Identity isn’t real. It’s a game oneness plays for fun.

If I can accept any outcome, I am safe.

If I can help just one person…

If I look at you and see evil, there’s a problem with my sight.

If I really want peace, I must not be afraid.

If I really want to be generous, I can let people feel however they do about me.

If I see an enemy, it’s because I’m partially blind.

If I think I know what the universe has in store for me, I’m wrong.

If I think I’m not okay, THAT’S the problem.

If I think I need to be some way in order to be okay…

If I want peace, I must make peace with war.

If I want something I can ask for it.

If I want to bring someone somewhere new, I have to meet them where they are.

If I want to end war, there’s a clear order of operations.

If I want to get through to someone, I need a story.

If I want to save the world…

If I’m afraid of God, I’ve got God wrong.

If you can’t do it without suffering, it’s NOT YOUR JOB.

“Illness is an opinion.”

I’m okay if I am not understood.

I’m sorry, Me, for every moment I didn’t see you as enough.

Imperfection is my invention.

Impostor syndrome is a symptom of faking it (and I never need to fake it).

Inquiry is a vaccine against stressful thoughts.

Inquiry is not necessary - unless it is.

Inquiry: I’m not useful to others. Is it true?

Inquiry: I want to matter to the world. Is it true?

Is it here? Is it now?

Is THIS PART working for me?

It’s all me.

It’s hard to fathom that there is no good or evil.

It’s impossible to earn anyone else’s respect.

It’s impossible to say anything true.

It’s impossible to stay the same person.

It’s not possible to beat tyranny with tyranny.

It’s not that life has no purpose. it’s that it has no purpose outside me.

It’s so much easier to love others when I don’t judge myself.

“It’s not unspiritual to ask for what I want.”

I’ve never been more wrong about something than when I’ve felt sorry for myself.

I will continue suffering until I’m ready to give up the idea that my suffering helps.

John 3:16 - One Interpretation

“Joy is not threatened by pain.”

Joyfully confused.

“Judge not lest ye be judged” means…

Just do your work.

Keep digging for the Truth.

Knowing Good and Evil is above my pay grade.

Leadership is a service job, happening now.

Let everyone off the hook.

Life is a dream.

Life is not chase-able.

Life is too short.

Life’s job is to get to me.

Looking for love from others is like looking for the glasses on top of my head.

The Lord’s Prayer - One Interpretation

Love, defined

Love can change the world.

Love says “yes” AND “no.”

Loving what is is the only success anyone has ever had.

Luke’s Sermon On The Mount, interpreted.

Manipulation: Seeking results in the minds of others is a recipe for suffering.

Meet everything with love and let the rest take care of itself.

Missing the gift


My authority has no power to change minds.

My ego can only live in a story.

My fear is never wrong. It’s just that the only thing I’ve ever been afraid of is my own thinking.

My first and only task with people is to love the person in front of me.

My future is now. My past is now.

“My heart’s desire.”

My identity is not real.

My job here is not to win but to love.

My job is to love.

My legacy is none of my business.

My “life” is what I filter out of my stream of consciousness.

My pain is my own.

My true heart's desire emerges when I recognize I am already fulfilled.

My world matches my filter.

Never do anything because of a past or a future.

No cause is worth setting aside love.

No one is lazy. No one lacks character.

No one needs me to wake them up.

No one speaking in fear is ever speaking the Truth.

No Regrets.

No two people have ever met.

Nobody knows anything.

None of these thoughts are mine.

Nothing can ever require me to abandon myself.

Nothing in the universe needs to be earned.

Nothing in the world needs controlling except my desire for control.

Nothing is broken.

“Nothing matters” is no reason not to do something.

Okay: I don’t exist. Now what?

On being “ready.”

On “evil” people

“On whose behalf is this desire arising?”

“On working.”

One of the biggest destroyers of my peace…

One of the surest ways for me to suffer is to be sure I’m right.

Oneness is the only real nourishment. Everything else is a story.

Only believe the Truth.

Only Satan would ever say, “Rise to the occasion.”

Only selfishness can see selfishness.


Other people are my creation.

“Pain is either remembered or anticipated.”

Past and Future are only here to serve Now.

Patience is not a virtue.

Peace and kindness always win.

People are just like the weather.

People don’t do things because of me.

Perfectionism concerning others is tyranny.

Perfectionism is blind to perfection.

Perfectionism seeks to stop the flow of the universe.

Power (over others) corrupts.

Prayer: A practical interpretation.

Pride does me no favors.

“Proper ordering of the house.”

Reality spares me all the things I should not have.

Regret requires a future.

Resist not evil

Responding to Emmet Fox about “Do Unto Others.”

Responding to Emmet Fox about “Like Measure.”

Responding to Emmet Fox about “removing what stands between me and God.”


Retreating to a life of solitude will bring me peace. Is it true?

Right action is a celebration of wholeness.

A rock lives in heaven.

Saying “no.”

Scaring scary people just makes them scarier.

Seeking Eden

So much of my suffering comes from holding on after I’ve fallen.

Social anxiety comes from believing I need people to like me.

Sermon on the Mount interpretations.

Sometimes People Are Good

Sometimes people may need to hate me in order to get through their hardship.

Sometimes we have to get everything we want in order to discover that we have no idea what we want.

Start with how you want to BE, not how you want to SEEM.

Stop trying to be a good person.

Suffering is addictive.

Suffering is never due to hardship.

Tell me anything about me.

The brain writes realistic fiction.

The “Devil” is a metaphor. And metaphors make a mess when taken literally.

The feeling comes first.

The gift of running into a spiritual brick wall…

The “Golden Rule,” interpreted.

The good beyond the bad.

“The Last Story”

The only bad thing that has ever happened to me is believing the thought that a bad thing has happened.

The only experience the separate self seeks is the loss of its separate identity.

The only help anyone needs with their life choices is my love.

The only mind I’m ever dealing with is my own.

The only person who can destroy me is me.

The only problem I’ve ever had.

The only relationship problem I’ll ever have is with reality.

The only solution to any problem is to be okay.

The only suffering that exists is between my ears.

The only thing anyone ever “deserves” is my love.

The only thing I’ve ever been guilty of is trying to save myself.

The only thing that’s really worth anything is love.

The only way to end up alone is to abandon myself.

The only way to escape “reality” is to discover that it isn’t reality.

The only way to have an enemy is to make one.

The “outside” is just an inside story of an outside.

The past is not True now.

The past is 100% acceptable. What’s my alternative?

The people who trouble me are my wisest and most generous teachers.

The present moment is always balanced.

The state of the world I live in matches the state of the mind I live in.

The suffering mind can only see things separated.

The thing about judgment is, it’s always me.

The trouble with Utopia:

The true leader has no job.

The Truth is always now (and My Story never is).

The universe is always telling me everything I could ever possibly need to know.

The universe makes me fail at everything I should not be doing.

The virus isn’t “bad.”

The world is a made-up story written by me, which means I can re-write it.

The world is always in perfect balance.

The world is exactly as perfect as I am.

The world is as generous as my thinking.

The world is nothing (and everything) until I believe something onto it.

The world isn’t real (but that doesn’t mean I have to ruin the movie).

The world swirls.

There are no annoying people in the world, only annoyed people.

There is loving what is and there is confusion.

There is no absolute good or bad.

There is no anxiety in the now.

There is no difference between the extraordinary and the ordinary.

“There is no greater illusion than fear.”

There is no pain or pleasure in the feeling itself.

There is no PROOF of anything. Ultimately I have to turn to my heart.

There is no squirrel there.

There is no such thing as a “bad” feeling.

There is no such thing as a true story.

There is no such thing as being known.

There is no such thing as doing something on behalf of others.

There is no such thing as helping without being helped.

There is no such thing as safety.

There is no such thing as selfishness.

There is nothing to fear in death (but there is in dying).

There’s something wrong with the idea of doing “right.”

Things are only what I think they are.

“Things go their own way whether I interfere or not.”

Thinking pulls me out of being.

This is not happening.

Those who can’t do, trust.

Tikkun Olam (“Repair of the world”)

To be common is divine.

To believe I’m enough: That’s my work.

“To call a man a ‘fool’…”

True love has no agenda but its own existence.

Trying to fix my past makes a mess of my present.

Unconditional Love

War, defined.

Water flows downhill.

We already live in the Metaverse.

We are limitless until we think limitation onto ourselves.

We can only believe what we believe.

We intuitively understand the freedom required to make room for the Holy Spirit.

We judge others harshly because we judge ourselves harshly.

“What about all the suffering people in the world?”

What business is it of mine what my purpose in life is?

What comes back to me is none of my business.

What do I want to do with my time in Heaven?

What do I want from [so-and-so]?

What I’m willing to believe is a function of how I am determined to feel.

What if I saw myself as whole, prior to any acts?

What is “credit” but a false story of separation?

What makes me think that?

“What will they think?” is just “What will I think?”

Whatever I put above my mental health and sense of well-being will take me down.

What’s the worst that could happen?

“When a child sees a parent behaving lovingly…”

When I am faced with an apparent enemy, I am being shown myself.

When I am sane, I do not need recognition.

When I beat myself up, I’m distracted from the Truth.

When I grasp that I am the “writer” of the story of a “me,” I find that I can re-write it at will.

When I hold onto my stressful thoughts it’s because I believe I need them.

When I tell myself that someone will hate me, I’M being unkind to THEM.

When I think I am sick, I am sick. When I think I am well, I am well.

When I trust in “God”…

When I worry about being rejected, I reject myself.

When I’m patient and kind I’m not earning from others, I’m giving to myself.

When you die in a dream, you wake right up.

Where do you draw the line on forgiveness?

Where there is a will, no divide between people is uncrossable.

“Where pride is absent, attack is also absent.”

Wherever I’m seeing hell, heaven is in the same direction.

Whether or not someone will reject or hate or persecute or kill me is none of my business.

Who the hell do I think I am to _______.

“Who would you be without the story that anyone should care about you, ever?”

Wholeness Prayer

Why do I judge?

Why does God make me suffer?

Why it’s hard to stop suffering.

Why not be peaceful now?

Willpower is only a problem if I believe in a future.

You are worthy of love.

You can’t change your behavior.

You don’t need fear.

You get what you need.

“You have done something “wrong.” Is it true?”

You may get impatient with me…

You may want to hold onto your pain.

You’re fine.

You’re welcome.