Don’t do good. Just love.

Good and bad are twin illusions, brought about by each other in the mind. I take what is whole and mentally split it (but only ever mentally, because it is impossible to split oneness in reality). 

Everything is always whole and balanced, so every imaginary split comes with its balancing opposite. When I think “good,” immediately there is “bad.” Every time, without exception. And neither is there prior to the thought. It is a thought that makes something “good” or “bad.” And we are free to think anything. So every perspective is available. Every good thing I do from one perspective is bad from another. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Because there is only wholeness. Everything is everything. 

If I want to stop bringing bad into my world, I must stop trying to do good

“Stop trying to do good? What?! What am I supposed to do if I stop trying to do good?”


That’s it. 

Don’t do good. Just love

Just recognize that there is nothing to be done that is not being done, that anything I mistakenly credit myself with doing is being done beyond me, that I can’t help but do what must be done. To know that I and everything else in the world are one ALREADY PERFECT thing and to let perfection carry us through all the swirling, ever-changing oneness. To witness how, in love, “IT” (the thing I would mistakenly call “I”) moves through the world without effort, responds without deliberation, accepts whatever happens as what should be, let’s go of knowing, and releases into now, and now, and now.   

All I can do is be at one with everything and release myself into the ever-swirling already-there-ness of it all

Everything else is doomed to failure. Good is bad. There is no way out of it. If I’m trying to do “good,” I am doing both. If I think I can get one and not the other, I am confused. And so there will be confusion - and the experience of all the bad that’s brought into being by a belief in good

…until I’m ready to give it all up and just LOVE

So where does that leave things like work?

  • My job is to love, plain and simple. 

What do I do with what I make? 

  • Love.

  • That’s it. Just love.

  • Love it now, and now, and now. 

  • And love everything through it. 

  • Witness what you do with it (and what you don't do with it) without any emotional effort. Let go of knowing what to do. Just allow what you do and allow what you don’t do. Make nothing happen. Just LET what should happen happen. 

  • Let love lead and take things where they’re going to go. Let any actions you take surprise and delight you. 

What do I do with “clients?”

  • There are no clients. A “client” is an imaginary separate thing. There are no actual separate things. So clients are illusions, my state of mind experienced. (Which doesn’t mean people won’t ever hire me and pay me, if that’s where “what is” takes things.)

  • Let go of clients and love

  • That’s it. Just love

  • No one to save, nothing to fix. Everything is one thing and we’re already there. 

  • Make nothing happen. Just LET what should happen happen. 

  • Let love lead and take things where they’re going to go. Let any actions you take surprise and delight you.