I don’t know what anyone else should or shouldn’t do.

I look out at the world and I see what looks like a lot of people telling each other what they should and should not do. 

I notice that when I believe the thought “people are telling each other what they should and should not do” [Is it true?], I start to think I should tell other people what they should and should not do.

But when I get quiet and think about the limits of my knowledge, my experience, my point of view…

I realize that I can’t know for sure what anyone else should or should not do. 

For all I know, everyone is doing exactly what they should do.

(…which can be a very unsettling thought when I’m suffering or in fear or wanting to control the world in the interest of good).

But when I can stay out of the question of what others should or should not do, it leaves me completely free to attend to what I will and will not do and whether or not I’m aligned with my true nature. Because when I am, I am complete, I am whole, and I have no need for anyone to be doing anything other than what they’re doing.

At the moment…

My heart’s desire is to love the person in front of me, whoever they are, and not go to war with them.

  • To be present and open and curious and connected

  • (not threatening and protective and judgmental and certain).

  • To listen, consider, invite, include, seek to understand

  • (not overpower, convince, push, reject, threaten, label).

If I want to “make the world a better place,” what opportunities will I miss if I live this way?

As far as I can tell, it is none of my business what another person should or should not do. That’s THEIR business.

My business is to attend to what I do and do not do.