Peace and kindness always win.

If I want to be at war with what is, I can be, but I find that what is always wins. 

And I find that what is - aside from anything I am thinking and believing (when I am in dreamless sleep or under general anesthesia) - is perfectly peaceful and kind.

Which is why - and how - peace and kindness always win. 

Reality will never succumb to a false story of division, of good and evil, of a stressful story of danger, of winners and losers. It will never allow it. It will never tire of holding its ground because it IS the very truth of the ground. It will always prevail because it CANNOT NOT prevail. The way of it is the way of it. It’s simply how it works. 

So if I’m losing, it’s a clue that I’m innocently, mistakenly opposing the peace and kindness of the universe.

I can fight it if I want to, but I will always lose. 

And I am so grateful for that.

Because when I lose enough, I finally give up my war and learn to love what is. And when I do, I become eternally peaceful and experience (and express) that peace in the world.