Keep digging for the truth.

Okay me, listen up:

Keep digging for the truth. You’ll know you’ve found it when you’re completely at peace

If you’re not at peace, you‘re not dealing with the truth. Keep digging. 

Why do you seek the truth? If you’re like me, it’s to bring yourself peace. Because you think that when you know the truth you’ll be able to use it to bring yourself peace. That is absolutely true. 

But I used to think that “knowing the truth” meant knowing about all the things that could cause me pain, suffering, fear or frustration. I thought that if I could identify every one of them, I could avoid them all, and that’s how I would find peace. I had it backwards. 

When I identify pain, suffering, fear or frustration, that’s what I’m bringing into my life. And here’s the thing: If it brings me pain, suffering, fear, frustration, it is NOT the truth. 

I can keep digging. If I am open to the Truth, I will find it. And then I will know peace

Because, in the benevolent universe, whatever is true is peaceful and whatever is peaceful is true.