I can accept any past “me.”

Is that past “me” me?

No. That’s imagination. Every past me is gone.

I am only this now. 

That may have been a “me” then, but it is not me now.

And it appears I’ve been given the gift of learning from that “me’s” experiences, 

to hear others’ experiences of that “me” and to sit with that, and them, in love

to hear and acknowledge those experiences without defense and to connect wholeheartedly with those who report those experiences, completely free to lovingly hold all of it in my loving heart, 

to apologize openly from the perspective of the kind and peaceful me that I am now and to move forward with the newfound clarity of this moment. 

When I recognize that I am not what “I” was, I don’t have to be pulled back into “old” behaviors and perspectives just to maintain a consistent identity. I can observe and evaluate any past “me” with total freedom. I have no attachment to a history that has left me. There is no way for me to be anything I “was” without giving birth to it right now. And now. And now. I can own it for then and let it go for now. I am free to live and love out of my unseparated true nature in this moment, in every this moment.

When I recognize that I am never the same person, I am more than happy to be that “me’s” representative, to speak on its behalf, to hear grievances about it, and to allow my current understanding of myself to be guided by the example of that confused love-worthy person. 

And I can do it with all my heart. Because there’s nothing to defend. 

I can work with that “me” the way I would any beloved person I want to care for, look after, and walk with in peace and love and harmony.

Lay it on me. Tell me anything about “me.” I want to fully understand “my” effect on my world so I can completely align with it: with you, with me and with what is

When I am only this now, I can hold anyone’s history, including “mine,” in the deepest love

I can love every “me” as a different person…because it is.