The world is always in perfect balance.

The world is always in perfect balance. Regardless of how it seems. The idea that things are out of balance, (either in “good” or “bad” ways) is just confusion. Everything is always in balance: dynamic, shifting, ever-moving balance. 

Anything that seems “bad” is presenting an equal amount of good to me - the “good” completely tied up in, and impossible without, the parts that seem “bad.” The “bad,” just an innocently confused opinion about the constant benevolent gift of the now, arising from a mistaken belief that the small part I’m noticing is the whole thing and that it is unacceptable (even while I’m accepting it). 

As I realize this, the “bad” starts to have “goodness” in it and visa versa. The more I see that the world is perfectly balanced, the more “good” and “bad” lose their identity and the more I believe in “one.” In completeness, in enough, in never too much, in never too little, in never too soon, in never too late, in safety, in connection, in everlasting joy. 

…and the more excited I get for the gifts of the next moment.