Any thought that brings peace is true.

Any thought that brings peace is true.  

Any thought that brings suffering is false. 

There are no true thoughts that are always true

There are no false thoughts that are always false. 

Every peaceful thought is true until the moment it brings me suffering, then it immediately ceases to be true

Every suffering thought is untrue until the moment it brings me peace, then it immediately becomes true

It can be the very same thought. It often is. 

Thoughts flow between truth and falsity. 

How can this be?

Because the truth as I experience it in my life - is a STORY of truth. It is my interpretation. 

But the world PRIOR to my story holds no judgments. There is a truth beneath the truth as I interpret it. And that truth is eternal peace. How do I know? Because whenever I’m able to shed my story, all that’s left is peace. That’s just my experience.

Therefore any interpretation that argues with my eternal peace has to be untrue and any interpretation that confirms my eternal peace must be true.

For example:

If I have the thought, “I am the one in charge” and that thought unsettles me: if it overwhelms me or fills me with sense of dread and isolation, my INTERPRETATION of those words is untrue. If I am able to question it, I will find that I can release my sense of responsibility and everything will work out fine. When I am open to the idea, I find that I have others to lean on and, if I am really open, maybe even some forces beyond me that are holding me. If I question honestly and openly, I find that I am NOT the one in charge, at least in the sense I was thinking about it. 

If I have the thought, “I am NOT the one in charge” and that thought unsettles me: if it makes me feel lost, or powerless or at the mercy of evil forces, my INTERPRETATION of those words is untrue. If I am able to question it, I will find that I am right where I need to be (because it is where I am), that I have total freedom to decide my actions and responses and opinions about the world and that no one can destroy my peace but me. If I question honestly and openly I will find that I am indeed the one in charge, at least in that way of thinking about it. 

I can get used to the flow of truth and stop trying to pin it down. When I try to pin down a true thought and it stops being true I can get stuck suffering in the name of a false notion. 

This is why I can never know what’s true for someone else. The best I can do is be curious or fascinated, and live in the name of my own truth.