Everything stays until it is loved.

“Why does ___ keep happening?”

“Why do they always ___?”

“Why won’t they ever ___?”

“Why can’t I ever ___?”

Because I haven’t yet loved it AS IT IS (whatever “it” is). 

In this kind and generous universe, everything that comes into my awareness comes to be loved. Not “liked” or “preferred” or “endorsed” but loved.

It is possible to love anything, especially this thing I don’t like, prefer, or endorse. And when I do, it releases me. Because when I finally love it, it has done its job.

If I’m aware of something, it’s because it has come to reveal to me the beautiful truth of what is. That’s it’s whole purpose. If I don’t see it, it will wait patiently until I do. It will stay right here in my consciousness until I take this next step in the recognition of my perfectly safe, infinitely wise, eternally free, open and loving true nature. It’s time for me to love this now.

And the universe is so beautifully kind and generous that it will never give up on me. It will hold this in front of me for a thousand years if that’s what it takes for me to bring this one more thing into the limitlessness of my loving heart.

And when I can finally love it, there is no more problem. I see it for what it is: the universe’s incredible gift, equivalent in every way to every other gift I have ever loved. And immediately I begin to see it progress and change and flow as all things in the universe do. I see that it has always been flowing in this way but I just couldn’t see it before because I was so confused and so innocently out of love with it.

And now that I can love it, it lets go of me. It flows on, changed and ever-changing, leaving me to love the next thing that seems to always keep happening.