Is THIS PART working for me?
Because if it’s not, the reward I’m seeking by enduring it will never come. All I will ever have in this life is THIS PART.
The future does not exist. So there can be no happiness for me there.
If this part is not working for me, I have work to do to straighten out my thinking about my life. ...which is now. this part.
When I get used to constantly enduring an unacceptable present in favor of a fictional future, all I’m doing is building a life of enduring the unacceptable. And I’ve found that when the future comes, it instantly becomes the present, and becomes just another thing to endure.
That’s why ambitions built on enduring the unacceptable early parts at the beginning of a journey fail to satisfy me when I reach the end. The end is just another THIS PART.
When I set up my life so I love ‘what is’ in THIS PART, I find I can live in this part forever. And as I do it, I find I move and change and grow organically. I can’t help it. And if I can keep myself centered in loving every THIS PART of my life, I can love every minute of my life as it moves and changes and grows.
And then all of my life is wonderful, wherever I am.
Which, in fact, is always the truth of it, if I just notice.