Inquiry is a way of understanding my life at a level below the everyday practical level. It’s a deeper understanding than necessary to move through the day. I don’t really need it to get through life. ...Unless I do.
It’s like coding:
Do I need to know HTML, CSS and JavaScript to use the web? Nope. As long as everything is working and the web is serving my needs, what need would I ever have for understanding the truth behind everything? I just use it, enjoy it. I’m fine!
But if I’m experiencing problems, if I find my page is glitching, if I can’t navigate without getting stuck or having something go wrong and I’d like to do something about it besides giving up on the whole thing, THAT’s when it helps to know about coding. That’s when it’s useful to understand that what I’m experiencing is created one level deeper than what I’m experiencing. That’s when it’s useful to understand how things are working PRIOR to the page I see on the screen. It can help me see that the problem I’m facing is fixable. And if I’m really willing to learn about how things work below the surface, I might even be able to fix it myself.
The beautiful thing about the kind of code revealed by inquiry is that I reveal it to myself. There are no pretenders to worry about. There’s no way to be led astray. I don’t need to take anyone’s word for anything. I don’t have to pledge allegiance to anything.
All I need to do is get quiet, ask myself some questions and open my mind enough to let my own inner wisdom show me the answers. Because it already knows. And I’ll know I’m finding the truth when I find myself at peace.
We all have equal wisdom within us. That’s the genius of inquiry. It puts us in our own hands. Our god-given wisdom is the expert and what it will reveal to us, if we let it, is astonishingly kind and peaceful. And entirely ours.
Which means I have no wisdom for you. If anything I say to you brings you any peace, that’s your wisdom at work, not mine. That’s truth emerging from within you. Maybe you’ll choose to explore it more intentionally.
It’s completely unnecessary.
Unless it’s necessary.
Because you don’t need it.
Unless you do.