Do your work and then step back.

“Do your work and then step back.”

— Tao Te Ching


Because things are always changing. It is no longer time for the work I just did. There is new work to do now, and I can trust the world to bring it to me right on time. 

So whatever work I do, I give it to the swirling universe, trusting that that work will come back to me if it is EVER needed again (which, when I’m sane, I realize never needs to happen—unless it does). 

When I work to keep my work working in the world, I suffer. Because when I’m trying to maintain what WAS and not just responding to what IS - right here and now - I’m in an argument with reality. And I lose that argument 100% of the time. 

So I do my work and then step back. 

…for the sake of my own peace

…which is the greatest gift I can give the world…

…and the most important work I will ever do.