Look closer in.

If I’m looking for peace and not finding it, it’s because I’m overlooking it. 

The remedy is to look closer in. 

Peace is what I am before I have a thought and believe it.

When I feel lost (which I can never actually be) I sometimes mistakenly go looking for peace “out there.”

That’s not where peace is. 

I’ll say it again: peace is what I am

It’s the essence of my being, my true nature

All that’s needed is to return to my true nature (and not even that)

Because peace is what I am. 

There’s only one step: return to connection with what is. 

Intermediate steps are not necessary (unless they are). 

All I need to do is let go and return to what I am, which is at the bottom of the bowl I’m searching so frantically and where I will always end up when I just let go.

If for some reason I’m unable, if I won’t allow myself the effortless joy of surrender to what is, then anything that points me toward my true nature - like religions, gurus, therapists, meditation, affirmations, retreats - will do. 

Ultimately, though, I will give up my attachment to these intermediate steps (my death will do it if nothing else will). 

But death is not necessary for me to give up my attachments and return to peace. All that’s necessary is for me to let go of anything separating me from my awareness of my true nature - from what I am independent of any story

To allow everything to flow as it will.

Leaving me blessedly as I am: 

At peace

Completely at one with What Is.
