If I want to end war, there’s a clear order of operations:
Until I end war in here, I am not equipped to end war out there. As long as I keep war alive in my thoughts and beliefs, war out there will rage forever.
Eternal world peace is possible. All that’s needed is to know where “the world” is and what “eternity” is, a willingness to let go of my story and to do the work to clear it up.
“My Story” is my believed thoughts.
“The World” is the experience of my believed thoughts.
“Eternity” is the absence of a time arrow, total presence undisturbed by past/future.
“The Work” is the heart-open, mind-open search for the Truth.
If I want to end people driving like assholes, there is a clear order of operations:
Until I end assholishness in here, I am not equipped to end assholishness out there. As long as I keep assholishness alive in my thoughts and beliefs, people will keep right on driving like assholes. How am I keeping assholishness present in my heart and mind? Am I being an asshole to the assholes (if only in my thoughts)? What power am I giving assholishness that brings me more of what I want to be rid of? Clear that up first.
If I want to end disrespect, there’s a clear order of operations:
Until I end disrespect in here, I am not equipped to end disrespect out there. As long as I keep disrespect alive in my thoughts and beliefs, people will keep right on disrespecting each other. How am I keeping disrespect alive in my life? Am I disrespecting those I see as disrespectful (even in my thoughts)? What power am I giving disrespect that brings me more of what I want to be rid of? Clear that up first.
If I want to end racism, there’s a clear order of operations:
Until I end racism in here, I am not equipped to end racism out there. As long as I keep racism alive in my thoughts and beliefs, racism out there will rage on, no matter what I try to do about it. How am I keeping racism alive? Am I afraid of someone from another race (say, their negative opinion of me)? What power am I giving racial division that brings me more of what I want to be rid of? Clear that up first.
If I want to end the politics of division, there’s a clear order of operations:
Until I end division in here, I am not equipped to end division out there. As long as I keep division alive in my thoughts and beliefs, people out there will keep right on sowing division. How am I keeping division alive? Am I dividing against those who seem to want division (even in my thoughts)? What power am I giving division that brings me more of what I want to be rid of? Clear that up first.
If I want to end hate, there’s a clear order of operations:
Until I end hate in here, I am not equipped to end hate out there. As long as I keep hate alive in my thoughts and beliefs, people out there will keep right on hating. How am I keeping hate alive? Am I hating those who hate (even in my thoughts)? What power am I giving hate that brings me more of what I want to be rid of? Clear that up first.