They say, “You are what you eat,” - and they’re right - more right than I initially understood. I am anything I feed myself: my body, my mind, and my soul.
When I feed myself pain and suffering, I become pain and suffering. I think I need to take it in in order to clean it up, that if I don’t attend to it, it will seep in and overwhelm me. But I’ve got it backwards. Feeding myself pain and suffering is HOW it seeps in. And then to root it out, I go to war with the world - the world I’ve fed myself.
Instead, I can feed myself love and peace and kindness. Who can I possibly fail to serve when I do that? When all I can see are people doing their best with what they’re thinking and believing and so are worthy of my love and peace and kindness? When that’s all I ever give anyone, what responsibility can I possibly miss?
I can be whatever I set my mind to.
In fact, I always am.