“If we say that we desire something, we are saying that it isn’t ours. When we say that it isn’t ours, we put a psychic distance between ourselves and what we want. This distance becomes the obstacle that consumes energy. This is because wanting it results in a belief in not having it which blocks receiving it. The energy of desire is, in essence, a denial that what we want is already ours. What we mistakenly believe is out of reach returns to being just a part of the oneness as soon as we are totally surrendered.
“We are used to picturing ambition and success as being associated with hard work and the classical “Protestant ethic” virtues. These include self-sacrifice, asceticism, great expenditure of effort and endeavor,
“It involves struggle, and the struggle results from the block we have put in our own way because of desire.
“Let’s compare the arduous lower consciousness way of achieving goals with a higher state of consciousness in which we have acknowledged and let go of the desire, and are in a freer state. In a freer state, that which is chosen manifests in our life effortlessly. We surrender the emotion of desire and, instead, merely choose the goal, picture it lovingly, and allow it to happen because we see that it is already ours.”
David Hawkins, Letting Go p.108
It’s not spooky or mystical.
It’s just noticing.
That’s all it is.