ALL outward warring is an expression of a war going on inside: a fearful internal rejection of what is.
And it’s a war I am doomed to lose. Because Reality is never swayed by my rejection of it.
Reality is here to bestow a gift upon me (all it ever bestows are gifts). And it is so loving, it will never back down. It will hold this gift in front of me for as long as it takes for me to bring this one more thing into the limitlessness of my loving heart.
The rejecting actions I take are merely the inevitable consequence of believing I need to save myself from this gift. I believe I have to go to war with this thing in order to be okay. And whatever I believe, I act out. I have no choice in the matter. My actions always follow in perfect lockstep with what I am thinking and believing.
So if I want to end my or another person’s warring actions, I don’t go to war with the actions. That’s just a perpetuation of war. Instead, I question my beliefs. I get quiet, open my mind to reality and look for the truth - what is true for me and no one else - the understanding of which is always peaceful (that’s how I know the difference).
When I find the truth, I become peaceful within. And when I find peace within, my actions, which always express what I am thinking and believing, will express peace instead of war. And my attention, which also always expresses what I am thinking and believing, will process other people’s actions peacefully. And I will recognize them as gifts, as invitations to peace instead of war.
Internal war, external warring.
Internal peace, external peacefulness.
In me.