The feeling comes first.

I used to think I’d feel successful, safe, accepted, legitimate, free after something important happened that would unlock those feelings. And it was that belief - The belief that I’m not already there - that made me strive. And then, when I achieved the goal, I found that I didn’t feel any more successful, any safer any freer

It dawns on me that it’s because I’ve had it backwards: The feeling comes first. Or, rather, the belief that results in the feeling. 

  • First I feel successful, then - for that very reason - I AM successful. 

  • First I feel safe, then - for that very reason - I AM safe. 

  • First I feel accepted, then - for that very reason - I AM accepted

  • First I feel legitimate, then - for that very reason - I AM legitimate. 

  • First I feel free, then - for that very reason - I AM free

When I think about my life, I find that this is true. 

My work is to achieve that belief: the awareness of the TRUTH of my success, my safety, my acceptance, my legitimacy, my freedom.  ...a truth prior to any acts. 

When I achieve THAT, then I will be these things. Instantly.