With the help of some very wise thinkers, I’ve found I can vaccinate my mind against the stressful thoughts that bring me suffering.
A virus attacks a healthy cell by convincing the cell membrane that the virus is there to help. Then from the inside, it destroys the cell and takes it over, making new viruses and releasing them to attack other cells. The whole thing starts with the error: “This thing is the real deal. It’s the help I’ve been looking for.”
Vaccines inoculate my cells by safely exposing them to the truth: that this harmless, innocent collection of molecules is NOT the help they’ve been looking for. Through this safe, non-threatening exposure, the cell learns to recognize a virus and say, “Oh, that thing again,” roll its eyes (maybe even chuckle) and move on, in tact and happy to be alive.
A stressful thought is a mind-virus that attacks a healthy mind by convincing the mind that the stressful thought there to help. Then from the inside, the stressful thought destroys peace of mind and takes it over, making new stressful thoughts and releasing them to attack other minds or other parts the same mind. The whole thing starts with the error: “This stressful thought is the real deal. It’s the help I’ve been looking for.”
Inquiry inoculates my mind by safely exposing it to the truth: that this harmless, innocent stressful thought is NOT the real deal, NOT the help I’ve been looking for. Through this, safe, non-threatening exposure, the mind learns to recognize a stressful thought and say, “Oh, that thought again,” roll its eyes (maybe even chuckle) and move on, in tact and happy to be alive.
Like a virus, a stressful thought is an innocent thing that can only bring me suffering if I let it take over.
Like viruses through the air, thoughts just float innocently through the mind, which means I’m no more responsible for them than a cell is responsible for the presence of a germ. They just show up. If I have not been inoculated to a particular stressful thought, it will come floating by (or rushing in, as the case may be) and I think, “Oh good! I’m glad I realized this! This information is just what I was looking for. It’s going to help me!” So I let it in by believing it, and lo and behold, it starts to dismantle my peace of mind. It attaches itself to my belief system and goes to work replicating itself over and over, sending itself out to impact my other thoughts with its “useful” information. It’s all just a misunderstanding. I think I’ve let in useful information but what I’ve actually let in is disease.
The truth is the vaccine for the mind-virus of a stressful thought. Who’s truth? Mine. The truth I discover within myself when I have the courage to be rigorously honest with myself and question the thoughts that bring me suffering.
I will know I’ve found the truth when suffering leaves me. As long as I’m stressed and suffering, I am not dealing with the truth. I’m confused.