I cannot have the impulse to make people better without the confused belief that their status is “bad.” I cannot believe others are bad without the confused belief that the world is separated into “good” and “bad.”
Believing in badness is why I experience it.
Believing in goodness is why I experience it.
“Good” and “bad” are a single illusion of mind, the illusion that what is always whole is somehow separated.
So no one is “good” or “bad” except in my mind.
So I can’t make anyone “good” or “bad” except in my mind.
If I want to experience people’s goodness, I don’t MAKE them good, I seek to SEE them as good. And in the benevolent universe, whatever I look for, I find. So when I look for their goodness, I find it. And then I experience goodness.
But there’s a catch:
Whenever I think “goodness,” I bring about “badness.”
Because the universe is whole. So every time I divide it, I get parts that add up to a whole. Every time I think “good,” “bad” is born. Every time I think “long,” “short” is born…and so on.
The only way to experience the whole gift of the universe is to release myself from notions like “better” or “worse” and love what IS.