All the worst things perpetrated by human beings were done in an attempt to rid the world - or their life, or themselves - of something bad.
I cannot create good by ridding the world (or myself) of bad. Ridding IS the bad. Stamping out is the bad. Casting away is the bad. The notion of “bad” is the bad thing. Ridding, stamping out and casting away are about war, about stopping flow, about fear and separation and non-acceptance - things that run counter to my true nature. “Bad” is about failure to accept a snapshot of a swirling universe. It is not appropriate to judge a continuum or a spectrum or something in constant motion on a single point.
Everything is “what is” (some call it “God”).
Seen this way, ridding the world of anything is ridding the world of God.
I cannot force anything to be good without becoming tangled up in evil. (Click those words in red for definitions.)
I can only be whole.
I can only recognize that the universe swirls, that I am a part of the swirl and allow myself to flow with it.
When I do this, some people will inevitably see my contribution as “bad” and try to rid the world of it. I understand that this is part of the swirl, part of the benevolent forward motion of everything. I don’t call it “bad.” That will only create more suffering. I just keep recognizing, and living according to, my kind, peaceful and loving true nature. There’s nothing to add or subtract, only things to love or not.
I cannot make anything good by “fixing” anything bad. I can only love what is.
A parent cannot make a bad kid good, but they can see a kid who is worthy of love and love them.
A neighbor cannot make a bad neighbor good, but they can see a neighbor who is worthy of love and love them.
I cannot make a bad situation good, but I can see a situation that is worthy of love and love it.
I will never experience anything good or bad, only things I love and things I don’t. It is completely up to me which is which. And which I choose makes all the difference.