Start with how you want to BE, not how you want to SEEM.

Okay me, listen up:

Start with how you want to BE (as opposed to how you want to be perceived) then show THAT. 

It is not important how you are perceived. It is important how you are. 

Faulty perceptions will be corrected by persistent exposure to the truth. But only if that truth is persistently lived and shared. Others’ faulty perceptions live on when you internalize them and allow them to shame you, silence you with worry and force you into the shadows to avoid the pain of disconnection. When that happens the faulty perception festers because there’s nothing shedding any light on its wrongness. 

I want to be...

  • Open

  • Interested

  • Adventurous

  • Connected

  • Caring

  • Encouraging

  • Understanding 

  • Silly

  • Kind

  • Sanguine

  • Loving

  • Patient

  • Generous

...FIRST with myself, then with everyone else.