There’s no such thing as safety.

There’s no such thing as safety. Only the belief that I’m safe. There is no difference between believing I am safe and being safe. What is safety but peace of mind? If I believe I am safe, I am safe. 

There’s no such thing as danger. Only the belief that I’m in danger. There is no difference between believing that I’m in danger and being in danger. What is danger but a frightened state of mind? If I believe I’m in danger I am in danger.

...Until I question the thought and return to sanity - also known as recognizing the difference between a thought and reality.

When I am sane, I trust reality. I am liberated from my thoughts.

Things either happen or they don’t. It’s not up to me. They can happen (or not) with me fretting or they can happen (or not) with me at peace

The only true danger in this life is a belief in a world divided into danger and safety. Because it’s the only thing that keeps me from truly living.