Suffering is the belief that I need things to be different than they are. As long as I believe I need things to be different, I will have suffering. Because that’s what suffering is. That’s all it is
I don’t suffer because we’re fighting. I’m fighting because I’m suffering, because I believe I need things to be different than they are and I mistakenly see you as the cause of my confused belief. I innocently think that defeating or converting you will return my world to peace. And of course it doesn’t. Because war (the fear-based rejection of what is in my thoughts and actions) only ever defeats me. And when that happens, my suffering (this feeling that I need things to be different) increases.
I don’t suffer because you make me angry. I direct my anger at you because I am suffering, because I believe I need things to be different than they are and I mistakenly see you as the cause of my confused belief. I think that directing my anger at you will force you to change what needs changing to bring me peace: my innocently confused belief. And of course it doesn’t. And when you inevitably fail to change what only I can change, my anger increases.
I don’t suffer because I’m afraid. I’m afraid because I’m suffering, because I believe I need things to be different than they are and I mistakenly believe that focusing on all the things that could happen but should NOT happen will bring me peace. It and of course it doesn’t. And when upsetting myself fails to bring me peace, my fear increases.
I don’t suffer because I am sick or injured, I call myself “sick” or “injured” because I am suffering, because I believe I need things about my body to be different than they are and I mistakenly believe that going to war with the state of my body will change my suffering state of mind. And of course it doesn’t. And when it doesn’t, my suffering state of mind (the belief that I need things to be different than they are) increases.
But when I address my suffering directly, I finally come to understand that the true origin of my suffering is what I’m thinking and believing. And when I sit quietly and question my stressful thoughts for the love of truth, the truth can finally enter in. And when the truth enters in, my suffering leaves me. It’s effortless.
And then I am at peace.
And when I am at peace, I can see what is as it really is: kind, benevolent, for me. I experience everything that’s happening as the gift it is, and I wade into it with presence, awareness, openness and love.
And then nothing is hard.