
def: To obtain by forceful action or persuasion. 


What am I trying to obtain? What do I really want that I don’t already have?

There is nothing I really want to achieve that I have not already achieved, if I only notice. 

There is nothing I really want to become that I am not already, if I only notice. 

There is nothing I really want to get that is not already mine, if I only notice. 

So hustle is the application of effort to achieve what I have already achieved, to become what I already am, or to earn what I already have. 

So it’s completely unnecessary.

I can hustle for fun, of course - if I want to make life more interesting or challenging…

But if it’s time to skip the middle man and get what I’m truly seeking, all I have to do is notice and allow what is already there.

If I think I need to ACHIEVE anything other than what I have already achieved, I am confused. And in my confusion, I make the effort to achieve more. But what is this change pointed to? What am I trying to win by achieving this? What will I be that I am not now? Free? Belonging? Peaceful? Loved? Permanently out of suffering? 

There is no time I am not these things, except in my mind. 

I am always free, I always belong, I am always at peace, I am always loved and I never suffer…until I have a stressful thought and believe it

The only lack I ever experience is imagined. 

So I am already the free, held, peaceful, loving, non-suffering person I am trying to become. If I want to experience it, the only thing that’ll do the trick is to notice it and allow it. 

“Achievement” just helps me notice. Judging the achievement “good” just helps me allow it. I can skip the middleman of “achievement” and go right to noticing and allowing the freedom, belonging, peace, love, and comfort that are already mine. 

Until I do, it doesn’t matter how many hours I work, how many opportunities I create, how many people I impress or how much I achieve, my efforts will always seem to fall short. 

And after I notice and allow it, I see that effort isn’t even necessary. I am already there.

If I think I need to BE anything other than what I am, I am confused. And in my confusion, I make the effort to become something more. But what is this change pointed to? What am I trying to win by becoming this different thing? What will I be that I am not now? Free? Belonging? Peaceful? Loved? Permanently out of suffering? 

There is no time I am not these things, except in my mind. 

I am always free, I always belong, I am always at peace, I am always loved and I never suffer…until I have a stressful thought and believe it.

The only lack I ever experience is imagined. 

So I am already the free, held, peaceful, loving, non-suffering person I am trying to become. If I want to experience it, the only work that’ll do the trick is to notice and allow it. 

“Change” just helps me notice. Judging the apparent change “good” just helps me allow it. I can skip the middleman and go right to noticing and allowing the freedom, belonging, peace, love, and comfort that are already mine. 

Until I do, it doesn’t matter how many hours I work, how many opportunities I create, how many people I impress or how much I achieve, my efforts will always seem to fall short. 

And after I notice and allow it, I see that effort isn’t even necessary. I am already there.

If I think I need to HAVE anything other than what I have, I am confused. And in my confusion, I make an effort to earn more. But what is this earning pointed to? What will I win by getting this thing? Freedom? Belonging? Peace? Love? The end of suffering? 

There is no time I do not have these things, except in my mind. 

I am always free, I always belong, I am always at peace, I am always loved and I never suffer…until I have a stressful thought and believe it.

The only lack I ever experience is imagined. 

So I already have all the freedom, belonging, peace, love, and comfort available in the universe. If I want to experience that, the only work that’ll do the trick is to notice and allow it. 

“Getting something” just helps me notice. Judging what I get to be “good” just helps me allow it. I can skip the middleman of “getting” and go right to noticing and allowing the freedom, belonging, peace, love, and comfort that are already mine. 

Until I do, it doesn’t matter how many hours I work, how many opportunities I create, how many people I impress or how much I achieve, my efforts will always seem to fall short. 

And after I notice and allow it, I see that effort isn’t even necessary. I am already there.

”I don’t already have it,” I say? Okay: If I don’t already have it, what would getting it bring me? I take the answer and ask myself, “What would getting that bring me?” I keep following that chain to the end and I see that, in the end, what I’m looking for is something I already have, something I already am or something I’ve already achieved and all I need to do is just allow it to be. 

When I understand it this way, I can move through the world effortlessly. There’s nothing to stop me from simply living out of my true heart’s desire. I can do anything and everything will be as it should be (which is always how it is).