The universe will not let me miss the opportunity to love.

There is only one thing to do in life: to recognize and avail myself of the opportunity to love.

Everything that happens is an opportunity to love.

It’s all I’m ever called to do.

And as love would have it, the universe insists that I avail myself of it:

Whenever I’m missing the opportunity to love, the universe raises its voice. It amplifies whatever I am out of love with and holds it in my attention until I see it and love it. 

And if I fail to notice, if I’m allowing something to distract me from or obstruct my love, the universe has no qualms about it: it will start removing what stands in the way of my love until I recognize the opportunity.

It will take away the job that’s in the way, the relationship that’s in the way, the material possessions that are in the way, it will break the leg that’s in the way, give me disease to remove the activities that are in the way, it will send me fear and anxiety, shame, anger and enemies to remove the complacency and self-certainty that’s in the way. If it has to, it will remove the very mind that’s in the way, the very life that’s in the way. It will do whatever is necessary for me to release my capacity to believe I need things to be different than they are, because it is that belief, and ONLY that belief, that keeps me from recognizing the infinite gifts of the universe. 

This is the loving universe at work. 

It will hold this in front of me until I finally see, recognize and accept the golden opportunity in front of me:

that it’s time to love this now. 


(Yes, THIS.)

Right here. 

Right now. 

This exact situation, this exact moment. 

And when I finally love it, there is nothing left to do. Nothing to improve, nothing to fix, nothing to plan for or strategize against. I have availed myself of the universe’s one-and-ONLY opportunity. And I see that everything is in place, that in love, everything is always as it should be. 

And I am grateful for a universe so kind that it will never tire of holding in front of me the very thing I need to love now,

and now,

and now.