In love, there is no longing.

When I am truly loving something, I am experiencing the joy of knowing that I am one with it, that it is me and I am it, and I am behaving accordingly.

This is what distinguishes love from lust, passion, infatuation, obsession and every other emotion of longing.

Longing stems from the confused belief that I am NOT already one with the object of my longing, that I am separate and seeking to be whole. We’re trying to escape the feeling of separation …but we think we need to find a way to each other for that. We don’t. Because we ARE each other. All we need to do is recognize this essential truth of our being.

Love is the joyous recognition of this truth, and the free and open expression of it. 

If I’m longing for anything, it’s because I am OUT of love with it.

And I can return to love simply by getting quiet and questioning any thought that argues with my complete and utter communion with it.