It’s funny: All my spiritual thinking, reading, writing and prayer seem to keep pointing me back to one conclusion: That I don’t need to be anything other than what I am or contribute anything other than what I do. That I am a different person at every moment and that that person is exactly what I should be with NO IMPROVEMENT NECESSARY in that moment. That all my growth happens without my conscious effort or approval and all I have to do is let it happen.
So what’s the point of all the prayer and discernment?
Apparently it’s to remind me of this truth. Because that’s what happens.
I’m reminded that I don’t have to argue with who I am or what I contribute and I can live out the joy of recognizing that I am (and you are, and everyone and everything is) in perfect alignment with what is.
Now: What do I want to do with THAT? For FUN?
When I’m “already there” The options are limitless.
And there is no need for any of it (unless it’s happening).