These entries are an attempt to save my own life.

I find that when I am really suffering I can get caught up believing that it’s not safe to turn to people. I can tell myself that no one can help me without making things worse. It’s not their fault, I say. They just don’t see the world through my eyes, so the only person who can help me is me. And I retreat into myself.

Thankfully, wisdom still breaks through from outside me. I read something in the paper or a book, I see someone do something, someone says something I overhear and my thinking shifts. The universe is always working on my behalf in this way.

So in those times when things seem to clear up, in the times I seem to gain some insight into the benevolent truth of being, I’ve taken to writing down the realization so I can return to it later, so when I abandon my trust in people and retreat into my own mind, I’ll find it here. Like breadcrumbs out of the forest so I don’t stay lost.

And I do end up here from time to time and I find that having this collection of comforting thoughts has helped me to climb back out of suffering when I most need it.