How I am determined to feel about my life determines what I believe about my life.

How I am determined to feel determines what I will believe about everything I see and hear and experience in my life.

And that determines what my life IS.


I am determined to be okay.

I am determined to be okay here. 

I am determined to be okay with you. 

I am determined to be okay in this situation. 

I am determined to be okay with me.

I am determined to love everything as it is. 

I am determined to love you as you are. 

I am determined to love myself as I am. 

I am determined to love my life as it is. 

I am determined to love the world as it is. 

I am determined to love every situation I find myself in.

I am determined to recognize my wholeness.

I am determined to feel at one with everyone and everything I encounter.